Madhubani or Mithila painting is practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal. Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and matchsticks, using natural dyes and pigments. It is characterized by mesmeric geometrical patterns and earthy motifs.
The Chakradhari from our Dastkar collection is a circular take on this fine and ancient art transposed to elegant nameplates made out of smooth and even-grained Steamed Beech Wood. It’s an eye-catching representation of ethnic chic on external decor. Make it a part of your welcome.
All our wooden name-plates are coated with polyurethane - making it more resistant to water and other atmospheric agents. Needless to say, it makes for a meaningful and durable housewarming party gift.
Primary Material
Primary Material
9 inch × 9 inch (18mm thickness)
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Apart from regular dusting, no other maintenance is required.
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