"Raphael’s Angels" (also known as The Sistine Cherubs or Raphael's Two Putti) is a masterpiece that is part of the larger work, The Sistine Madonna - an oil painting by the Italian artist Raphael (1483-1520). The painting is regarded as one of the most famous works of Raphael - one of the most prominent artists during the Italian High Renaissance. The painting is currently located at the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister museum in Dresden, Germany.
The painting depicts two winged cherubs, looking up at the scene from below. According to a 1912 article in Fra Magazine, when Raphael was painting the Madonna the children of his model would come in to watch. Struck by their posture as they did, the story goes, he added them to the painting exactly as he saw them. Another story, recounted in 1912 in St. Nicholas Magazine, says that Raphael was inspired by two children he encountered on the street when he saw them "looking wistfully into the window of a baker's shop."
A reproduction of the iconic Raphael's Angels on our wooden name-plate gives your name an artistic showcase that is bound to catch everyone's attention.
The Raphael's Angels Name Plate is part of our Masterpieces collection - a collection of birchply name-plates that is inspired by the most famous artworks known to mankind.
Each name plate in the collection is water-proofed and comes with a keyhole at the back for easy hanging.
Primary Material
Primary Material
12 inch × 8 inch
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Apart from regular dusting, no other maintenance is required.
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